Remove 129 Tokens, Uniswap Platform Reaps Many Criticisms

Uniswap remove tokens

KANALCOIN NEWS – In general, Uniswap is an ethereum protocol which is a type of crypto currency that can be useful to assist someone in sending money to various regions or regions. The remittance is carried out using a token in the form of ERC20.

Uniswap is different from other exchange tools, the use of Uniswap is specifically designed to assist in trading tokens between users without any additional costs from the transaction.

Currently, Uniswap is the largest exchange platform or tool (dex) that Hayden Adams has created. Recently, Uniswap has removed some of the tokens contained on the exchange platform.

In line with this, users can still make token exchange transactions. The tokens that are successfully removed by the company on the platform are only tokens that come from the main interface.

As of July 23, 2021, at least 129 tokens owned by Uniswap users have been deleted by the company, according to a statement by the Uniswap Labs development team. Some of the tokens that were successfully removed were securities and synthetic equity tokens.

According to a News.

.com report reported by that the restriction on the token comes from the website. Users don’t need to worry, users can still carry out activities on the platform, such as trading on it.

The decision provoked a response from one Twitter user with the account name Banteg. He wrote a tweet that read:

“Deleted tokens have enormous benefits for their users,” wrote the @bantg account.

“Looks like all UMA, Synthetix, Mirror, Opyn tokens are affected. In fact, if you add them manually, you can’t swap them in the main Uniswap UI,” Banteg added in the tweet.

Still according to a report, the crypto community reveals at least there are many ways that can be done to go through the interface on the Uniswap platform..

Proponents of cryptocurrencies objected to the steps taken by the Uniswap Platform which removed some of the user interface tokens.

In line with this, crypto advocates who call themselves DeFi supporters, continue to trust the financial platform.

On the other hand, Joey Krug, who is also known as a co-CIO of Pantera Capital and one of the founders of Augur, revealed that he really loves the Uniswap platform.

He also said that the company’s IMO precedent setting was far from perfect. One of DeFi’s advocates, Nick Chong revealed that every user must bookmark on a decentralized interface.

“The world needs a decentralized interface. Wouldn’t it be bad if all the non-power user DeFi merchants woke up one day and the Uniswap Labs interface was gone with no alternative? This is a wake-up call. Bookmark decentralized interface. Make them lindy,” said Chong.

The founder of the Defi Yearn Finance financial platform, Andre Cronje, offered an offer related to the current conditions faced by Uniswap.

Cronje said that at least the company engaged in the trading sector must provide the best choices that are useful to users. This includes selecting websites that are of interest to the company.


Muhammad Zaki Fajrul Haq
Author: Muhammad Zaki Fajrul Haq

Follow me at @mzfajrulhaq (Instagram) or @ZakiFajrul (Twitter).

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