KANALCOIN NEWS – Online retailer Amazon, this week finally got the news that the hypothetical creation of “Cryptocurrency Amazon” can be received positively. Meanwhile, Starbuck, which is another large consumer company, said about plans to apply Blockchain to the Starbuck purchasing application. They also hinted that they would create their own currency specifically for users of the Starbuck application service.
As for the survey on February 27 conducted by LendedU regarding Amazon coin creation, 51.7% answered “Yes” to using Amazon’s cryptocurrency to transact directly on this website. While those who still wanted to consider the creation of crypto coins reached 58.27%, 21.9% answered no, and 26.4% answered unsure.
In addition to the survey he conducted, LendedU also asked the same respondents to provide feedback on “what if they used a bank account specially created by Amazon as their main account?” the result is 44.50% answered yes. As for the survey “will they use their Amazon savings account” 49.6% said “yes, will do it”.
Overall the survey conducted by LudedU, they provide 17 questions regarding respondents’ views on the possibility of expanding Amazon beyond online retailers. Such as the involvement of pharmaceuticals, mortgage loans, life insurance, and others.
And in response to a common question whether respondents trust Amazon to handle their financial system more than a regular bank, 61% answered “trust”.
Meanwhile, until now Amazon has not made a clear announcement regarding plans to create their own cryptocurrency. Meanwhile last December, Amazon teamed up with R3 to use the Blockchain-based Corda platform.
Meanwhile this week, Howard Schultz as the Executive Chairman of Starbucks said in an interview with Fox Business, he saw that Blockchain development was something he would use at Stabuck to move forward.
Schultz also said that he was not actually a
“It’s not about Bitcoin, but I believe with the framework and platform we have in our digital mobile app, we have the potential to be one of the first companies to have a proprietary digital currency integrated into our app.”
And last week, Fundstrat strategist Tom Lee suggested in a report that Amazon and Starbucks would likely adopt Blockchain technology and “announce crypto strategies” this year.