KANALCOIN NEWS – The latest news comes from a person who often calls himself Mr. Wonderful, namely Kevin O’Leary. O’Leary has reportedly just signed a contract over the next few years to become a spokesperson for one of the crypto exchanges, namely FTX.
Reported by Kanalcoin.com from Cointelegraph, the inauguration of O’Leary as a spokesperson for FTX was delivered last Tuesday (10/8/2021). O’Leary asked FTX that his salary be paid in cryptocurrency.
In addition, the man who is also known as the host of the Shark Tank event will get equity shares from the two companies that own FTX, namely FTX Trading Ltd. and West Realm Shires Services Inc.
Not only being a spokesperson, O’Leary will reportedly also be the brand ambassador of FTX for the next few years. O’Leary’s motivation to get a salary in the form of cryptocurrency is that he wants to increase the ownership of cryptocurrencies in his assets.
In one of his tweets on Twitter some time ago, O’Leary explained his reasons for wanting to work with FTX to his followers. O’Leary admitted that he used FTX to increase his holdings as well as manage his portfolio.
“Finally I solved my problem all along with cryptocurrencies. I will use FTX to increase my holdings and use its platform to manage my portfolio,” said O’Leary.
Not only that, O’Leary also admitted that he collaborated with FTX because he wanted to comply with taxes that have been burdensome and become a major issue among investors or cryptocurrency traders.
“I’m no different. I want to increase my crypto exposure, but also serve my compliance mandate,” said O’Leary.
“When it comes to rapidly changing tax compliance and reporting requirements, the current cryptocurrency ecosystem is full of risks that I cannot take.”
“In order to find crypto investment opportunities that meet my strict compliance standards, I established this relationship with FTX,” lanjut O’Leary.
O’Leary made his debut as an FTX brand ambassador by promoting the CryptoPunk FTX token giveaway to his followers on Twitter. However, O’Leary wouldn’t be his name if he didn’t do something weird.
In a sentence he tweeted, O’Leary changed the word ‘want’ to ‘what’ which caught the attention of a number of his Twitter followers. Supposedly, O’Leary wrote ‘Want to win a CryptoPunk?!’, but instead he wrote ‘What to win a CryptoPunk?!’.
O’Leary is indeed known as a person who likes to issue strange and unique terms, especially on various components of cryptocurrencies that are currently booming in society..
The man who works as an investor once called