Internet Entrepreneur Kim Dotcom Reveals Fundamental Differences between BCH and BTC

Kim Dotcom – In an interview, Internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom outlined the fundamental differences between

cash (BCH) and bitcoin (BTC). Kim said BCH is more suitable as a means of payment, while BTC as an investment tool.

Kim Dotcom himself is an internet entrepreneur who once founded a giant site for storing large digital data called Megaupload. Kim has had problems with the United States government over copyright-related issues.

In 2012, Kim’s Megaupload site was disbanded because it was judged that he had illegally uploaded music, movies and applications on his site. Kim and his three directors underwent trial in New Zealand and were about to be extradited to the United States.

Today, Kim is known as one of the biggest proponents of cryptocurrencies, particularly bitcoin and bitcoin cash. In a recent tweet, Kim expressed his support for bitcoin cash.

In fact, the German-born internet entrepreneur said the price of BCH would increase by up to 867 percent in 2021. Thus, the price of BCH can reach $ 3 thousand per coin. However, Kim prefers the public to use BCH as a means of payment or transaction compared to long-term investment assets.

In addition, Kim will also create his own peer-to-peer content monetization blockchain platform named to support BCH as a token that is paid to its users.

The man who was born with the name Kim Schmitz also said that currently more and more vendors are willing to accept BCH. Apart from that, he predicts that the adoption rate of cryptocurrencies by internet users will increase in the future. This was conveyed by Kim in response to a statement from bitcoin influencer, Tone Vays.

“The winner in the cryptocurrency race will be determined by vendors and users,” said Kim as reported by from Cointelegraph.

Kim revealed that vendors using cryptocurrencies tend to want low fees, fast transactions, high security, and ease of use. So, those are things that cryptocurrency developers should pay attention to.

“What do vendors and users want? Low fees, fast transactions, high security and user-friendliness. Vendors and users will not hear or care about tribal hysteria in the cryptoverse,” said the German-born man.

The statement issued by Kim apparently also attempted to respond to a statement from a BCH supporter, Roger Ver, who said that BCH tokens are currently being traded ‘at a price of $ 6 thousand per coin.

On the other hand, the price of bitcoin cash when Kim Dotcom made his statement was $ 309.98 per coin. This value increased by 19.5 percent from the previous week.


Muhammad Zaki Fajrul Haq
Author: Muhammad Zaki Fajrul Haq

Follow me at @mzfajrulhaq (Instagram) or @ZakiFajrul (Twitter).

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