IDO IEO ICO Review: NFTFiGateway (NFG)

NFTFiGateway ICO
NFTFiGateway (NFG)
Sep 01 – Oct 10, 2023


NFTFiGateway is a platform that connects NFTs and finance, combined decentralized and centralized that utilizes both decentralized and centralized technologies to provide services to its users, aimed at increasing liquidity for NFT assets and optimizing cash flow for investors and NFT collectors.
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Token Information

  • Ticker NFG
  • Network Arbitrum Arbitrum One
  • Contract-Address 0x9ae5…db5a6
  • Total Supply 250,000,000 NFG
  • Start ICO Price 0.08 USD
  • Target/Hardcap 9,500,000 USD
  • Personal Cap N/A USD
  • Raise (Not Set)

Score Rate The ICO Score Rate is based on ICO reviews, ICO Readiness or Eligibility before it takes place including Product MVP / Project, Team Profile, KYC, Traction (Early Investor, Partnership, etc.), Active Social Media, Company Legality (Doc & Audit), Marketing, from some methods, is not a token performance score after the ICO ends.


  • Round 1 Ended
  • Date Sept 01-07, 2023
  • Tokens Sold (4%) 10,000,000 NFG
  • Price 0.08 USD
  • Target/Hardcap 800,000 USD
  • Launchpad
  • ๐Ÿ“ Note: –
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Video / Screenshot


Tokenomics Review

  • Total Supply: 250,000,000 NFG
  • Network: Arbitrum
  • Token Contract: 0x9ae563c5a90cba8ad59419c3cbc39dbf58edb5a6




Stage 1: Market Research and Planning

Conduct market research and analyze user needs, Define the platform’s target audience, Develop a comprehensive roadmap and timeline for the project, Define key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring success.

Stage 2: Design and Development

Design the platform’s user interface (UI) and user experience (UX), Develop smart contracts and blockchain integration, Integrate necessary security features to ensure user data and funds are secure, Create and test the platform’s staking and minting features.

Stage 3: Preparing for Public Sales

Develop and finalize the marketing strategy and materials, Build partnerships and collaborations with influencers and relevant communities, Set up the public sales smartcontract and conduct thorough testing, Prepare for the launch of the public sales by ensuring sufficient liquidity and technical support, Monitor and evaluate the public sales results and adjust the strategy as needed.

Stage 4: Launching Token Staking and Cex Listing

List tokens on DEX/CEX, Launch token staking program with rewards, Conduct public sale for NFT minting tickets.

Stage 5: Launching NFTs platform

Finalize and test the smartcontract for NFT minting and trading, Implement a user-friendly marketplace for buying and selling NFTs, Launch the NFT platform and promote it to the target audience, Provide customer support and continually improve the platform based on user feedback, Launch the minting NFTs feature. Launch the staking NFTs feature.

Stage 6: Marketplace and NFTs Upgrading

Implement a user-friendly marketplace interface for buying and selling NFTs, Launch the NFT marketplace and promote it to the target audience, Introduce NFTs upgrading feature to allow users to enhance their NFTs with new capabilities, Implement a user-friendly interface for NFTs upgrading.

Next stage NFTFIGateway launchpad – Will be planned and announced in 2024

Listing on Exchange Schedule Update information on the Report (Update) link located on the Top Right Side.

Date Exchange Name Announcement Link

Additional Information

Early Investor:

(Not Set)

Partnership :

(Not Set)

The information and data displayed on this page is intended to enrich insights and information and is not used as investment advice or recommendations. Do your own research or contact your independent advisor before deciding to invest.

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