Blockchain technology, since its emergence, has created hundreds of digital assets and driven new business models on decentralized networks. Due to its rapid evolution, the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center is hosting the Crypto Asset Conference 2021, inviting executives, founders, investors and representatives from public authorities to discuss the latest insights about this disruptive technology.
Covering top-level content on current trends in DLT, blockchain and crypto assets through speeches, discussions or promotions, various industry experts and thought leaders will unite at the leading European crypto conference. Join 1500+ online participants to collaborate and interact with peers and experts and get the latest information on the following topics:
- Day 1st (Monday, May 31, 2021): Bitcoin, Crypto Asset and DeFi
- Day 2nd (Tue, Jun 01, 2021): Security and Digital Infrastructure
- Day 3rd (Wednesday, June 02, 2021): Digital Euro and Identity
Notable speakers include Alexander Höptner from Bitmex, Ulrich Bindseil from the European Central Bank or Simon Seiter, members of the German Stock Exchange and many others. The Conference will bring together more than 1200 people to stay up to date on topics ranging from Bitcoin, Crypto Assets and Decentralized Finance through Digital Securities and Infrastructure to Digital Euros and Identity. This 3-day conference will give participants the opportunity to analyze the future of blockchain and its implications in the world – this year for the first time ever fully remote.