Devere Group Adds Bitcoin Cash and EOS to Crypto Exchange App

Devere group

KANALCOIN NEWS –  Devere Group which is an international financial consultancy, which has more than 80 thousand clients in 100 countries, recently announced that it has added

Cash and EOS to their recently released crypto exchange application.

With the addition of Bitcoin Cash and EOS to the Crypto Exchange App, this means that service users who are registered with devere crypto, which also supports USD, Euro and GBP currencies, can now buy, sell, store and also exchange with other cryptocurrencies. already listed, such as Bitcoin Core (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LCT), Ripple (XRP), Dash (DASH), Monero (XMR) and also Stellar Lumens (XLM).

Meanwhile, Nigel Green who is the founder and CEO of Dever Group also expressed his response to the addition of this application, “The addition of Bitcoin Cash and EOS to the Derver Cyrpto Application is part of our ongoing commitment to clients.”

The users of these applications can also provide a wider and more diverse crypto portfolio when the crypto sector begins to expand and move even further.After the application was released in early 2018, Green also explained that all digital coins on Dever crypto have their own differences starting from their characteristics, strength and value. Thus this addition is very helpful, especially in order to be able to achieve portfolio diversification in individual specific asset classes. Green also believes that crypto in various forms is the trusted future of money.

After the application was released in early 2018, Green also explained that all digital coins on Dever crypto have their own differences starting from their characteristics, strength and value. Thus this addition is very helpful, especially in order to be able to achieve portfolio diversification in individual specific asset classes. Green also believes that crypto in various forms is the trusted future of money.

Devere Group who added Bitcoin Cash and EOS to their crypto exchange app also added that they took the market opportunity as one of the reasons why they added the app. The company has conducted a poll, where there are 35% of individuals who have a fairly high net worth are now starting to look at crypto investments, and that was done before the end of 2018.

According to Dever, there were more than 600 respondents from the poll, and this was obtained from several clients who came from the largest asset owners living in the US, UK, Australia, UAE, Qatar, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Spain, France, Germany and also Africa. South.

CEO Green also believes, “Devere’s expansion is also very clearly proven by the fact that already more than a third of rich people around the world, who are likely to become successful investors, tell us that they already own crypto or they will too. planning to have it soon. The survey findings also show that individuals with relatively high net worth are increasingly unable to ignore the huge potential of cryptocurrencies. Currently there is increasing awareness from the public about the value, need and demand for digital globally. I really hope that there is a wider awareness and understanding of cryptocurrency so that it can grow well in the next year, Devere will become an institution that embodies crypto so that it can be managed properly.”


Redaksi Media
Author: Redaksi Media

Cryptocurrency Media

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