KANALCOIN NEWS – A number of Cryptocurrency exchange companies have been supportive about the workforce deployment since the ‘Corona virus Emergency Plan’ protocol was launched. Currently, companies around the world are struggling to develop the protocol due to the increasingly pandemic conditions. Previously, global investors were more worried about conditions when the capital market slumped, so that when the Corona virus outbreak appeared, it had not had too much of an impact on the exchange. But all business continues as usual.
However, due to the Corona virus pandemic, several companies have finally ordered their workforce to stay/stay at home. There are even some companies that are debating when to close their offices because of this. In fact, in the industrial world which is determined by decentralization, the protocol for distributing the workforce should have been used as a guideline. So it’s not surprising that some companies already have a ‘Corona Virus Emergency Plan’.
As did the Binance and Kraken Companies, where most of the workforce has been working remotely for years. So that the two companies do not need to close their headquarters. The Binance company itself works in a decentralized way, where team members are spread across various regions and countries. So it’s not very clear where exactly Binance’s headquarters is based, and this is what the company’s assets are. Because according to him when an event occurs such as the Corona virus outbreak, the exchange is not affected because the company’s workforce has been working remotely and in groups for more than 2 years.
In contrast, the Kraken company spun the coronavirus pandemic into a recruitment and publicity opportunity, which they say “Decentralized workers are ‘thriving’ despite increasing international concern”. Basically, Kraken already has a strategy of global destruction and pandemic survival since its founding in 2011, and this method is currently developing. Likewise with the Hodl Peer-to-Peer
But actually not all Crypto companies have that option, as many remain tied to headquarters. So they rushed to make policies regarding the conditions that occurred when the Corona virus arrived at their place. For example, the company Coinbase made a list of contingency plans by closing offices and making its workforce work remotely (depending on the development of the outbreak around where they live and work). Blockchain companies and exchanges in China, where the outbreak started, had to cancel networking events and encourage workforces to work remotely and delay technology upgrades.
Even the California-based Global Currency Organization (GCO) has given a high alert signal since the Corona virus was reported, in which the team in the development of stablecoins or cryptocurrency (USD) was disbanded immediately and canceled all trips to the Asia-Pacific region even domestic ones. So all the contingency plans that are being carried out, whether it’s a workforce deployment system or closing offices, are actually for the good and health of the workforce in crypto companies.