– This event (Blockchain Solution Asia 2018) has ended, see other events in the Events Calendar. –
Sept 27-29, 2018 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia blockchainsolutionsasia.com
➮ Event Info
The Blockchain Solution Asia 2018 Conference and Exhibition (BSA2018) themed “Blockchain Revolution: The Future of Economy and Humanity” was held to provide an interactive platform for industry stakeholders to better understand the impact of the Blockchain Revolution and its technological advances on their business models and operating processes. The event will be the largest Digital Ledger Technologies (DLT) event showcasing the latest technologies and solutions introducing blockchain applications and adoption for participants to benefit from this technology-led era.
Mr. Lee Yu Kit, Executive IT Architect, IBM Malaysia
Mr. Lon Wong, Founder and CEO, Proximax and Advisors to NEM.io Foundation
Mr. Satish Salivati, Co-Founder & CEO, Intelitix Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Meng Chan Shu, Founder and CEO, Connect Blockchain DMCC
Ms. Shalani Andria, Industry Analyst, Transformational Health, Frost & Sullivan
Mrs. Mastura Ishak, Programme Director, Blokchain, Malysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT)
Mr. Kshitij Chitransh, Vice President – Consulting, Asia Pasific, Frost & Sullivan
Mr. Abdul Fattah Yatim, Chairperson, Malaysia’s National Standards, Technical Committee on Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
YBrs. Chua Tian Chang, Chairman, Pertumbuhan Daya Masyarakat
Mr. Wan Kai Chee, Partner, Rahmat Lim & Partners
Mr. Nicholas Watson, Head of Compliance Solutions, ProximaX
Chief Technology Office, Bcore Technology Pte Ltd
Mr. Stephen Chia, Council Member & Regional, Head of SEA, NEM.io Foundation
Dr. Satish Lele, Senior Vice President, Automation & Electornics, Frost & Sullivan, Mr. Aloysius Wee, Managing Partner, Aquinas Law Alliance LLP
Mr. Tiago Costa Alves, Vice President, Asia Pacific Aptoide / AppCoins
Mr. Effency Zulkifly, CEO, Blockchain Academy Asia & Co-Founder, Crypto Valley Malaysia
Mr. Dar Wong, Chief Investment Officer, ALA Advisors Pte Ltd
Mr. Seeni J G, Treasury Head, Xwapp
Mr. Marcus Tan, Managing Partner, Technology & Corporate Department, Marcus Tan & Co
Ms. Jasmine Ng, Director of Investments and Special Projects, NEM Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Mr. Freddy Lee, Chief Technology Officer, IBM Malaysia
Mr. Gopal Kiran, Fintech and Digital Strategy – Senior Manager, Ernst & Young, Malaysia
Mr. Patrick E. Palacios, Chief Executive Officer, Appsolutely Inc.
Mr. Kevin Khaw, IBM Cloud Technical Specialist, IBM Malaysia
Mr. Cris D. Tran, Chief Executive Officer, Infinity Blockchain Ventures (IBV)
Mr. Iwan Spillebeen, Founder and CEO, Blockchainlabs.ai
Mr. Andy Roy Sian, Blockchain Technology Evangelist, Strategist & Business Development, Government, GLC & Higher Education, NEM Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Ir. Kevin Hor, Senior Manager, Edgenta Energy Services PLC
Mr. Eddy YC Liew, IBM Cloud and Solutions Country Technical Manager, IBM Malaysia
Ms. Jana Lee, Membership Engagement Manager, Blockchain in Transport Alliance (BITA)
Mr. Dalston Pung, Chief Operating Officer, QiQ Global Pte. Ltd.
Mr. Martin Lim, Co-Founder & Chief Operations Officer, Electrify Pte Ltd
Mr. Kheri Hamdan, Digital Entrepreneur and Co-Founder, ReMo2Co
Mr. Jason Chew, Founder & CEO, Empower
Mr. Tan Lim Soon Fu, Chief Technology Officer, EPC Blockchain Sdn Bhd
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Highlight Agenda
– Blockchain Explained: Industry Applications, Regulatory Frameworks and Risk Assessment. – Blockchain Development and Infrastructure – Blockchain-Blockchain Financing and Funding Systems: A Paradigm Shift In Capital Generation And Project Funding – Game Changer for the Banking and Insurance Industry? – Drivers of Transformational Change in the Energy Sector – Revolutionizing the Health Care Sector – Smart City Defining Factors for the Building and Transportation Sector.