Corona Virus Hoax News Spread, Argentine Government Blockchain Hacked


KANALCOIN NEWS – At a time when the global world is in a state of emergency due to the Corona virus pandemic, there was a confirmation on March 14 2020 that the Argentine Government Blockchain experienced a hack on the gazette’s official website, namely the Official Boletin. Hacking occurs to spread Hoax or fake news about the Corona virus.

Previously it was known from the officials that there was indeed a hacking attempt that was being attempted, but at that time it was immediately thwarted so that the hacker could not enter the Bulletin system. But apparently the hackers didn’t give up easily, and this is evidenced by the existence of hackers who found a vulnerability in the system. So that the hacker can re-enter and make it possible to spread hoax news through the 34,239th edition of the Bulletin.

Hoax news spread via the hacked Argentine government Blockchain, contains information that mentions “some guidelines that should have been adopted for civil servants in the midst of the Corona virus emergency” in the country. Because of this hacking incident which was a type of security breach and then made the traffic even higher, in the end the Argentine government’s Blockchain website, Boletin, was officially taken offline for a few hours first.

The Official Boletin itself is a publication website that is legally valid in terms of printing editions, and this is contained in a law that has been ratified and signed by the government directly which has been issued. The inauguration was stated in law, namely “The digital edition of the Official Boletin obtains legal validity based on Decree No. 207/2016”. The validity of this law is also based on a resolution in which the Argentine government confirms the measures adopted by the Ministry of Education regarding the management that must be provided by educational institutions that have suspected or confirmed cases of the Corona virus.

The system used by the Argentine Government Blockchain or the system behind the Official Boletin is usually for part of the project paperwork on behalf of the government agency, which is a distributed accounting technology. And indeed this system is used by state institutions as well as private organizations. So by using this Blockchain system, information that cannot be modified will then be shared over the network. Which network consists of each member, namely those who are state entities and also private entities.

Even though the Argentine Government Blockchain uses a system that can be said to be unmodified, it turns out that there are still security breaches that occur like this hacking case. Even though during the statement that “the Official Boletin website was offline for a few hours” at the press conference, it turned out that the official Boletin website was still online. Which shows that the security breach is still continuing. But indeed the resolution of the security breach (hacking) was immediately deployed.


Redaksi Media
Author: Redaksi Media

Cryptocurrency Media

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